Srđan Belošević

naučni savetnik





University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (2003) Ph.D.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1996) M.Sc.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1993) B.Sc.


„VINČA” Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade (since 1997)
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1993-1997)

Research & Academic Title:

Research Professor (since 2013)

Skills & Professional Highlights:
  • long-term experience in modeling of two-phase turbulent reactive flows and development of computer codes/software to predict processes in full-scale solid fuel-fired boilers and furnaces
  • coordinator/principal investigator in a number of scientific projects and industrial studies
  • Program Council Member of the „VINČA" Institute and Coordinator of the Research Program: “Energy and Energy Efficiency”
  • National Editorial Board member and Subject Editor, Thermal Science (ISSN 0354-9836)
  • Scientific Board member of the Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia
  • scientific projects and co-operation with China, European Union and neighboring countries
  • co-mentor/committee member for Ph.D. theses (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering/„VINČA” Institute) on modeling of coal/biomass co-firing, desulfurization by furnace sorbent injection, processes in utility boiler with air staging and thermal radiation in pulverized coal-fired furnace
Background and Research Interests:

Dr. Srdjan V. Belošević was born on November 24th, 1967 in Belgrade, Serbia. He is Research Professor in the Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade. He graduated at the Aeronautical Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, on January 25th, 1993. On November 5th, 2003, he got his Ph.D. degree, with the thesis entitled "A contribution to the modeling of processes in a pulverized coal-fired boiler furnace", at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade.
His research covers various fields, such as: mathematical modeling of two-phase turbulent flows with heat/mass transfer, development of 3D computer codes, turbulence, de-NOx/de-SOx methods in utility boilers, pulverized coal/biomass (co)combustion, clean coal technologies, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, solid fuel-fired household furnaces, fluidized bed combustion, aerodynamics.


He has published more than 180 scientific papers and technical solutions (co-author of one Serbian patent in the field of biomass conversion), including papers in leading international journals, with h-index: 16, i10-index: 25 and over 880 citations (Google Scholar); h-index: 13 and over 590 citations/450 heterocitations (Scopus).

International Cooperation:

Scientific cooperation with Xi’an Jiatong University, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an, China, since 2021.
Scientific collaboration within the projects related to renewable energy sources: "Advanced Decentralization Energy Generation Systems in Western Balkan" (ADEG PROJECT, INCO-CT-2011-509187, European Community FP6 program, 2004-2007) and BIOM-ADRIA PROJECT: “The use of biomasses as a primary source of energy in the Adriatic Basin countries” (2007-2008).
Cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University “Sts. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, North Macedonia, in the project “Investigation and optimization of thermal processes in energy facilities and plants, by means of computational thermal analysis“ (2005-2008).

Reviewing & Editing:

Reviewer in a number of international scientific journals: Energy, Energy & Fuels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Applied Thermal Engineering, Fuel, Fuel Processing Technology, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A, Scientia Iranica, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Waste and Biomass Valorization, Energy Strategy Reviews, Thermal Science.
National Editorial Board Member of Thermal Science and Subject Editor (Modeling of Flow and Combustion in Energy Conversion Systems, Numerical Heat and Mass Transfer, Clean Coal Technologies).
Editorial Board Member of the scientific journal The Open Thermodynamics Journal (Bentham Science Publishers) and the Guest Editor for the Hot Topic/Special Issue (Vol. 4/2010): Numerical analysis of heat and mass transfer in energy conversion systems.


„VINČA" Institute of Nuclear Sciences Annual Award for applied research (2008).

Memberships of Scientific Societies:

“Serbian Society of Mechanics“ and “Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia”.

Language Skills: 

English (advanced), German (medium), Mandarin Chinese (medium).


Research fields

  • Energy and Thermal Engineering
  • Turbulence and Combustion Modeling
  • Numerical Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Clean Coal Technologies
  • Renewable Energy Sources


Coordination of Scientific Projects & Industrial Studies:
Projects supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia:
“Increase in energy and ecology efficiency of processes in pulverized coal-fired furnace and optimization of utility steam boiler air preheater by using in-house developed software tools”, TR-33018, 2011-2019
“Development and application of models and softwares for simulaton of processes in pulverized coal-fired utility boiler furnaces for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency and reducing emission of pollution”, TR-18007, 2008-2010 (coordinator 2009-2010)
“Modeling and numerical simulation of turbulent flow and thermal processes in utility boiler furnaces”, TR-6609A, 2005-2007 (coordinator of tasks)
“Development of solid fuel thermo-accumulating furnace: basic concept, high-efficiency concept with catalyst and concept with water heating”, NPЕЕ 605-90B, 2002-2005 (coordinator 2004-2005)
Studies supported by the Public Company “Electric Power Industry of Serbia”, JP EPS (cooperation between the Vinča Institute and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade):
“Possibility of implementation of primary measures for NOx emission reduction from pulverized lignite-fired utility boilers”, 2010-2011
“Mathematical models and software tools for simulation of flow and thermal processes within the equipment of utility boiler units, for the purpose of working regimes diagnostics and prediction of operating situations”, subproject: “Mathematical model of processes in pulverized coal-fired boiler furnace“, 2006-2009